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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Vrunčev dom na Svetini / Štore - Vrunčev dom na Svetini (via Resevna and Resje nad Štorami)

Štore - Vrunčev dom na Svetini (via Resevna and Resje nad Štorami)

Starting point: Štore (260 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2213°N 15,3215°E
Name of path: via Resevna and Resje nad Štorami
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 520 m
Altitude difference po putu: 960 m
Map: Posavsko hribovje Boč - Bohor 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: bruny
Views: 1.352
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 76
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
Štore ideally accessible with the help of Slovenian Railways. By road. . . leave the motorway in Celje and practically in the centre of Celje head towards Štore or Šentjur. Park the car near the Štore railway station, where there are plenty of parking spaces and also the start of a marked mountain trail.
Path description:
The route starts at the railway station in Štore. Go via Voglajna, where a direction sign immediately directs you to the left a few tens of metres up the hill. At the first building, go left and follow the mountain path through the forest directly above Voglajna. On leaving the forest in the village of Draga, follow the meadow path also directly above Voglajna and continue along the asphalt road to the bridge over the river Voglajna, or the crossroads called Opoka. To the left over the bridge is the trail to Dramlje, Konjiška gora. . . , to the right along a narrow forest road through Kompole and Šentjanž higher up into the world of the hills above Štorá and Celje, and we continue straight on along the asphalt road and after a few hundred metres pass through the settlement of Prožinska vas and turn slightly to the left some three times in succession. Of course, the route is properly marked and easy to follow. Then we move on to cart track, which after a few hundred metres leads us slightly downhill to a stream, which after a few hundred metres we cross with the help of a small bridge, continue alongside a water supply facility, a small water spring where we can take a drink and a wooden cross. Shortly after the cross, move away from the water and continue higher up by a trestle and through the courtyard of the homestead. After the homestead, slightly steeper uphill partly on the road and further along a meadow path, where you soon cross a forest road. With the help of a few metres of steel ropes, continue higher up the pleasant forest path and soon the path from Šentjur joins from the left.
Continue along a slightly wider forest path below the only farmhouse in this part of the area and then slightly right through the forest, where after a few hundred metres you reach an asphalt road leading higher up. Continue following the asphalt road and after a few hundred metres a steep path from Šentjur joins from the left.
Continue on the asphalt surface and, with the help of wooden steps, onto the meadow plain, where, by the NOB monument, turn right onto the forest/wooded road to the Resevna mountain lodge and soon reach the lodge.
From the house, of course, extend a few steps higher to a modern lookout tower from which you continue immediately down the marked mountain path. After descending in the wooded area, we descend to the open field next to the homestead, two. Signposts direct us further in the direction of Svetina and we continue along the upper forest road straight ahead again in a more thorough embrace of the forest. Follow the well-marked forest road and continue alongside the monument to the Celje detachment, which is to the left of the path and slightly to the right up a narrower forest path, partly also logging trail. Soon you reach a slightly larger hunting lodge and, after a short distance, the somewhere unexpressed peak of Resje above Štorami. A few metres below the summit, the monument to the founding of the Celje troops is again on the homestead, which is a few tens of metres below the summit. There are also possible views somewhere to the south and west. From Resje, descend down the asphalt road and reach the wider asphalt road in Slemena by two farmsteads. Continue right along the asphalt road for a few hundred metres and at the marked crossroads, turn right again into the forest along the forest mountain path. On leaving the forest, return to the asphalt surface and go slightly uphill through the central part of the village of Javornik. Continue through the area called Mrzla mountain pasture, somewhere near five or six homesteads you will soon reach the road Štore - Svetina and continue along it for about two hundred metres. At a marked crossroads, turn right off the asphalt road and up a narrow forest track. Soon you reach a well-kept cottage with a beehive and continue in the slightly more compacted forest higher up, reaching the Dobošek crossroads on the way to a grassy pasture under a sadly abandoned farmstead. Continue slightly uphill, downhill to Kompole or Štore via Šentjanž and turn right at the chapel up the asphalt road. Soon we reach Vrunčev dom, which is on the right side of the path, the destination of the route today, which also rewards us with views.
The length of the trail from Štora is about 12 kilometres, 960 positive vertical metres and 350 negative vertical metres.
zemljovid puta - Vrunčev dom na Svetini
On the way: Resevna (682m), Resje nad Štorami (567m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Turn (Sv. Janez Krstnik), Babni vrh, Almin dom na Svetini
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Discussion about the trail Štore - Vrunčev dom na Svetini (via Resevna and Resje nad Štorami)
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