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Mountain ranges / Dolomites / Sasso di Stria / Passo Valparola - Sasso di Stria

Passo Valparola - Sasso di Stria

Starting point: Passo Valparola (2180 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,52745°N 11,9925°E
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 297 m
Altitude difference po putu: 297 m
Map: Tabacco 03 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 3.735
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 33
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
Access from Gorenjska: Via Border crossing Rateče or Predel to Trbiž / Tarvisio and then along the motorway towards Udine to the Tolmezzo exit. From Tolmezzo, follow the road towards Ampezzo and the Passo della Mauria mountain pass. The road then descends and leads to a crossroads where you turn left (possibly right) towards Cortina d'Ampezzo. At all subsequent junctions, follow the signs for Cortina d'Ampezzo.
In Cortina d'Ampezzo, follow the signs for the Passo di Falzarego Alpine pass. Follow this ascending road to the pass and then turn right towards Passo Valparola. Park in the large parking lot below the slopes of the Sas de Stria. The parking lot is located just in front of the Forte Tre Sassi, which houses the museum.
From the coastal side: Take the motorway towards Venice/Venezia. At Portogruaro, leave the motorway towards Venice and turn right on the motorway towards Pordenone. At the next motorway junction near Conegliano, turn right towards Belluno. The motorway ends near Belluno and we continue towards Cortina d'Ampezzo at the next junctions. Continue as described above.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the narrow tarmac road below the slopes of the Sas de Stria. On the side of the road you will see a signpost directing you to the path to the top of Sas de Stria. After a short crossing, which brings you to the north side of the mountain, the path turns left and starts to climb quite steeply. The whole time the path follows the northern slope of the mountain, from which we have a very good view of the nearby peaks above the Valparola Pass. Along the way you will also see a number of military fortifications dating back to the First World War.
In the second part, the slope becomes a little steeper and in the shorter part, we can also use a rope ladder and a stepladder to help us. The path then becomes less demanding again and soon leads to the top, along a ridge with a view.
zemljovid puta - Sasso di Stria
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Discussion about the trail Passo Valparola - Sasso di Stria
haridautovic2. 08. 2020
Sass de Stria, prelaz Falzarego Valparola-Lagazuoi,
muzej Forte Tre Sassi,je muzej velike vojne na prostem.To je čudovita lahka tura, razmeroma enostavna in ne utrujajoča, a izjemno koristna.
Poleg obiska številnih jarkov, artefaktov in tunelov, izkopanih med prvo svetovno vojno (Sass de Stria je bila izjemno strateška opazovalna točka za Avstro-Ogare), je vrh eden najlepših panoramskih balkonov v Dolomitih, Na prelazu Valparola ob cesti je utrdba Tre Sassi , del avstro-ogrske obrambne črte proti Kraljevini Italiji.
Zgrajena v letih 1897–1900 je bila na začetku vojne že zastarela, saj je bila zgrajena s betonskim oklepom brez železja in jo je težko poškodovala italijanska artilerija že v prvih mesecih vojne leta 1915.
Danes je ta obnovljena utrdba hiša velik vojni muzej.
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