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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Grad Kozje (Drachenburg) / Kozje - Grad Kozje (Drachenburg) (shortest path from the pond)

Kozje - Grad Kozje (Drachenburg) (shortest path from the pond)

Starting point: Kozje (270 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,07288°N 15,55377°E
Name of path: shortest path from the pond
Time of walking: 20 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 90 m
Altitude difference po putu: 90 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: jerque
Views: 416
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 5
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
You can get to Kozje from Celje via Šentjur, from Brežice via Bizeljsko, Bistrica ob Sotli and Podsreda, from Krško or Sevnica via Brestanica and Podsreda, or from Maribor via Podčetrtek, where you turn towards Kozje at Prelasko.

The starting point of the route is by the pond next to the Kozjanski dvor inn, north of the market centre. The nearest parking is at the nearby bus station, but you can also park elsewhere in Kozje, from where it is only a few minutes' walk to the starting point.
Path description:
From the starting point by the pond, where there is also an information board, follow the gently ascending cart track southwards. Soon you will find yourself on an asphalted road. After a few metres, the road turns left and down towards the centre of Kozjeg, and we obey the sign pointing us straight on. From here on, the path is marked with standard Knafelch red and white markings and, although short, is a bit more challenging. The trail climbs steeply, in some places also on steps. Somewhere along the way there is also a viewpoint on Kozje, but caution is needed as it is not protected! A similar or even slightly more difficult route, where a little "gamsje" skill is sometimes required (especially on the stone steps just below the top), then leads us along serpentine paths all the way to the castle ruins at the top. You can return to Kozje by the same route or by a different one, which takes you past the limestone cairn to the Bistri graben stream and then along the road past the Krofln mill back to Kozje.
zemljovid puta - Grad Kozje (Drachenburg)
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Discussion about the trail Kozje - Grad Kozje (Drachenburg) (shortest path from the pond)
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