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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Brezovec / Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec

Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec

Starting point: Dobrič (Vedet) (485 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3416°N 15,0575°E
Destination: Brezovec (617 m)
Time of walking: 25 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 132 m
Altitude difference po putu: 132 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 2.334
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Number of pictures: 17
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Maribor take the exit Šentrupert and then continue in the direction of Mozirje and Logarska dolina. In Letuš, just after the bridge over the Savinja River, leave the main road and turn right in the direction of Velenje and Šmartno ob Paki. After the bridge over the river Páka, you will reach the next one, where you will turn slightly right onto a narrower road in the direction of Polzela. Towards Polzela, drive to the railway line, then immediately after it, turn left. The slightly narrower road gradually enters the valley of the Hudego potok, where it begins to climb steeply. When the road leaves the gorge at a higher level, it lays down and leads to two successive crossroads where the road to Dobrič branches off to the right (the branch is not marked, but at the second branch, you can see markings on the nearby residential houses).
b) First drive to Velenje and from there continue towards Šoštanj. Through Velenje, take the Partizanska cesta, but only as far as the roundabout near the Hofer store. From the roundabout, take the third exit (if there was no roundabout, you would turn left) and continue along Pokopališka cesta, which leads to Podkraj Cemetery. Just a few metres before the sign marking the beginning of Podgorje, leave the main road and turn left (the exit is not marked, there is only a sign on the electricity pole that says "Daewoo motor") along a slightly narrower road that leads to the scattered settlement of Veliki Vrh. The road continues to lead us past individual houses, and we follow it to the homestead Vedet, where we see markings and a road branch to the left, leading to Dobrič and Gora Oljka.
Path description:
After a few 10 steps, the two roads merge into one, which leads us to a place where we see a sign along the way saying that we are welcome in Dobrich. The road soon branches off to the right on a marked trail to the nearby Brezovec 617 m (only the signs for Martin's and Andraška's trails are visible on the signposts), and continues straight ahead on the Gora Oljka (the trail past Rogeljšek).
At this crossroads, leave the road and start climbing along the forest path, which after a short climb joins the cart track, which is followed to the left. After cart track, the path leads us past some fallen trees, and then cart track turns into a slightly steeper path, which takes a few minutes to climb up to a small pass. At the pass, continue left along the well-trodden path, which widens a little further into the wooded cart track. Walk along cart track for a very short time, then continue slightly to the right (the track on the left bypasses the top of Brezovec) on an initially less visible path, which leads us to Brezovec within a minute or two of further walking.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2014 (August).
zemljovid puta - Brezovec
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Gora Oljka ( 25 min)
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Discussion about the trail Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec
geppo10. 09. 2014
Opisane poti, se običajno lotim v zimskem času. Lep je že sprehod po grapi Hudega potoka.
Lotim se je pa malo po svoje ( kot ljubitelj brezpotij ).
Na zadnjem ovinku ( predno se konča soteska Hudega potoka ) in se prične največja strmina ( to je cck. 100m predno prideš do odcepa desno na fotografiji 1 )je desno v hribu vidna potka. Zlezeš v strmino in slediš poti, ki je kar lepo vidna. Ta pot te priplje potem na greben in se združi z opisano markirano potjo.
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