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Mountain ranges / Prekmurje / Border stone A 115 / Čepinci (cemetery Čepinci) - Border stone A 115

Čepinci (cemetery Čepinci) - Border stone A 115

Starting point: Čepinci (cemetery Čepinci) (318 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,85703°N 16,21855°E
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 35 m
Altitude difference po putu: 75 m
Map: Pomurje 1:40.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 317
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 19
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From the road Murska Sobota - Hodoš, in Šalovci, in front of the Ina petrol station, turn left in the direction of Čepinci and Markovci. Continue through Markovce to Čepinci, from where you follow the signs for Hungary. When you reach the parking area next to a small cemetery with a larger chapel next to it, park.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue climbing along the asphalt road, which quickly climbs to a scenic ridge, and then the path leads past individual houses. A few short ascents and descents follow, and just before the border crossing, a short path branches off to the left to the Granicar Museum, and we continue all the way to the Čepinci border crossing.
Just a few steps before the border, turn right onto the macadam road, which passes a nearby house on the left and leads us to a crossroads by the hunting observation post, about a minute further on.
Here, turn left and continue along the cart track, which follows the Slovenian-Hungarian border. Follow this path, which continues with some short ups and downs, until you reach the border stone A 115.
During the no-crossing period, keep to the Slovenian side of the trail, but take a few steps off the trail where necessary.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in March 2021.
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