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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Visoka Ponca / Belopeška jezera - Visoka Ponca (ferrata)

Belopeška jezera - Visoka Ponca (ferrata)

Starting point: Belopeška jezera (929 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4733°N 13,6713°E
Name of path: ferrata
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1345 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1350 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Author: Peter Pehani
Views: 12.000
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 41
Number of comments: 8
Access to the starting point:
From Kranjska Gora, drive to Trbiž / Tarvisio via the Rateče border crossing. After a few kilometres past the border crossing, the road to Belopeški jezera / Laghi di Fusine turns left at Fusine / Fužine, and in a few minutes of moderate climbing you reach a large parking lot at Upper Mangart Lake (Belopeški jezera). We park there.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the left-hand side of the guest house towards the Zacchi hut. The path initially follows a forest road, which you leave after a few minutes, as signs direct you left onto a wide cart track (it is also possible to continue along the forest road; this version is a shade longer). The cart track, which you follow, turns into a footpath a little higher up. A relatively wide and well-marked, and in places quite rocky, path then leads us on a moderate ascent through the forest to the Zacchi mountain hut within a good hour's walk from the starting point.
In front of or below the hut you will find the signs "Ponza di Mezzo, Ponza Grande", which mark the start of the trail to Ponzi. The trail first crosses a torrential stream and then climbs through the steep dwarf pines, always slightly to the right, under the precipitous cliffs of the Ponce. Higher up, it leads to the first cable-stays. Here the path bends slightly to the left, climbing quite steeply alongside the cliff a few times. When we are fully approaching the walls below Visoka Ponca, the path takes us to the right, crossing a wide torrential gully. There is a short steep climb to the right of the gully, which leads to a crossroads. To the right (signposted "Ponza di Mezzo"), a path branches off, leading to Visoka Ponca via via normale, a slightly easier route, and to the Middle Ponza; we take the left, a very difficult climbing route (ferrato).
We continue climbing to the right of the ravine, partly over the steep slope of Srednja Ponca, partly over rock ledges. After crossing the gully again, this time of course to the left, we stand at the entrance to the ferrata.
The most difficult part is right at the start: the first few dozen metres of ascent are up a vertical gully, followed by an exposed traverse to the left. Just after the traverse, the world gets a bit flatter and we wind our way up the passages, helped in places by a rope or a makeshift rope, and after one short paragraph by a ladder.
At the top, the ferrata is completely flattened, there are no more ropes and, unfortunately, there are no markings. In places we are helped by cairns. Orientation is not difficult in this part if visibility is good. A moderately steep ascent through the scree soon leads to the summit.
zemljovid puta - Visoka Ponca
On the way: Rifugio Zacchi mountain hut (1380m)
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Discussion about the trail Belopeška jezera - Visoka Ponca (ferrata)
trdi7721. 07. 2019

Mene pa zanima če je kdo v kratkem bil na Visoki Ponci iz Belopeških jezer? Ali je pot čez ferato normalno prehodna? Zanima me tudi težavnost ferate. Je podobna kot via Italiana ferata pod Mangartom? Je stopanje po ferati proti vrhu kaj oteženo(se kruši)?

Lp, Uroš
Peter Pehani21. 07. 2019
Uroš, živjo,
pred kratkim nisem bil gor, 2 leti nazaj pa je bila ok (nekje namesto prave zajle zgolj vrv).
Glede težavnosti pa tako: Če gledaš samo strmi plezalni del, je zelooo kratek (morda 100 višinskih metrov) in neprimerljivo lažji od ferate v Mangrtu, ki poteka ob bivaka Nogara navzgor. Kot celota pa je tura na Ponco precej bolj alpska, saj ima dolg in strm dostop, pa tudi zahteven sestop po "lažji", a pri vrhu vseeno zelo zahtevni poti (medtem ko se v ferato v Mangrtu običajno dostopi kar iz sedla dol; ko izplezaš, pa si zgolj 15 minut od avta).
lp peter
maartin22. 07. 2022 09:35:42
Včeraj opravil s to turo in mislim, da bo komu koristilo.

Pot je zanimiva, lepa, lepo varovana. S par izjemami: 1) Pred zgornjim (pravim) delom ferate je treba prečiti skalnati del, ki je precej izpostavljen in nevarovan. Tam je treba biti zelo previden in gre. 2) Proti vrhu ni markacij ampak samo možici (zloženi kamni). Pazi da ne zaviješ na levo okrog skal, kjer izgleda shojeno, sledi možicem. (pa zgornji komentar, ki omenja vrv - ja, namesto ene jeklenice je nameščena rahlo prepereta vrv, ampak tisti odsek traja par metrov in ni nevaren)

Druga zgodba je sestop - ker se večina verjetno odloči za krožno pot po "normale". Če si adrenalinski junkie ali zelo izkušen pohodnik, potem ni problema. Hoja navzdol po via Normale tehnično ni preveč zahtevna, sta pa vmes dva dela, ki sta povsem nevarovana. Na enem moraš z levo nogo stopiti na zaplato trave posipane z gruščom, z desno pa se prijeti skale, ki se lahko v vsakem trenutku odkruši kar pomeni gotovo smrt. Pot na Triglav je bila zame mala malica napram tem kar sem doživel na sestopu po krožni poti.

- Ob hoji proti vrhu slišal precej padanja kamenja. Pot je izjemno krušljiva. Zaradi tega bi rekel, da je tu SVK kar obvezen, kljub temu da se da po ferati splezati brez problema.
- Ogromno grušča po tleh. Obe smeri sta precej neshojeni. Sredi poletja nisva s kolegom v osmih urah srečala nikogar.
djimuzl22. 07. 2022 10:26:16
Mogoče nista srečala nobenega zato, ker je pot na Visoko Ponco od avgusta lani zaprta tako iz italijanske kot iz slovenske strani.
bogdan@bzq.si1. 10. 2023 14:30:26
Bil danes, vse ok, piše res, da je zaprto, pa gre, brez problema !
Bodo pa obnavljali zajle, ob poti veliko klinov in jeklenic, še ne zmontirano !
Stoick9. 10. 2023 09:50:20, dol po normalki?
Sprašujem, ker maartin piše, da je bil sestop tam na dveh mestih zelo zahteven.
DVas7. 11. 2023 15:33:45
Zoprn sestop, previdno in počasi pa gre.
VanSims12. 11. 2023 19:23:42
Kaj je tukaj mišljeno kot Via normale? Pot s Srednje Ponce do Zacchija prav blazno zahtevna in nevarna ni. Ja je treba paziti kot pač povsod in nobene poti se ne podcenjuje.

Ali je treba do SP oz. križišča poti pod njo šele priti. To pa je kar adrenalinsko. Danes bi sestopil kar po sami ferati nazaj. Tudi, razen v čisto spodnjem delu, ne bi smelo biti zelo zahtevno, če smo že po tej poti prišli gor.
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